Death Quotes

Death Quotes

It would kill the past, and when that was dead, he would be free. -
Oscar Wilde

Death Quotes

It’s natural to die. The fact that we make such a big hullabaloo over it is all because we don’t see ourselves as part of nature. We think because we’re human we’re something above nature. -
Morrie Schwartz

Death Quotes

It’s quite simple. Death isn’t what we think it is. It isn’t life which ends but time which stops. -
Henri Riviere

Death Quotes

It’s when I have to acknowledge the past and all of those nameless, faceless people I’d assassinated, that I unravel inside. -
Cheyenne McCray

Death Quotes

John Lennon said life was what happened while you made other plans. So was death. -
Richard Castle

Death Quotes

Just as when we come into the world, when we die we are afraid of the unknown. But the fear is something from within us that has nothing to do with reality. Dying is like being born: just a change. -
Isabel Allende